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How is this blog set up

Website Introduction

This website is built using Next.js + Tailwind CSS + MDX, forked fromtailwind-nextjs-starter-blog

MDX Introduction and Usage

What is MDX?

MDX is a syntax that combines Markdown with JSX, allowing the use of JSX components within Markdown. This enables the utilization of React components in Markdown, providing greater flexibility in content presentation.

The idea of embedding JSX into Markdown is indeed intriguing, as it allows us to use React components within Markdown. This means we can incorporate interactive components into our Markdown content, leading to a more dynamic and flexible presentation of information.

NlogN:NaN <=
比较次数: 0 + 交换次数: 0 = 0
<= N*N 0

For example, in the aforementioned code, <QuickSortAnimation /> is a React component that can be used directly in Markdown. It presents the process of quick sorting through an interactive animation.

Similarly, MDX allows you to write HTML directly, as shown below:

<video controls>

Website Color Scheme Settings

The website's color scheme settings are located in the tailwind.config.js file, which you can modify according to your own preferences.

theme: {
    colors: {
      gray: colors.neutral,

Table of Contents Component

The toc variable, containing all top-level headings from the document, is passed into the MDX file and can be styled accordingly. To simplify the process of generating a Table of Contents (TOC), you can utilize the existing TOCInline component.

Blog Layout

Setting the Template

Mdx blog content can be mapped to layout components through configuring the frontmatter fields. The layout field will be used to specify which layout component should be used, and all layout templates are found in the ./layouts directory.

A simplest custom layout would be:

export default function ExampleLayout({ frontMatter, children }) {
  const { date, title } = frontMatter

  return (

Configuring the Blog's Frontmatter

Use the layout frontmatter field to specify the template to which the Markdown post should be mapped.

title: 如何使用该BLOG
date: 2024-07-01T15:32:14Z
lastmod: '2021-02-01'
tags: ['mdx','guide']
draft: false
summary: Nextjs + Tailwindcss + MDX 使用记录
layout: PostSimple

Traffic Analysis

Configure siteMetadata.js with the settings corresponding to your preferred analytics provider.[TODO]

Comment System

The giscus commenting system is utilized, which can be configured on their website atgiscus. After configuring, the settings should be written into the siteMetadata.js file.

Code Highlighting

The rehype-prism-plus plugin is used, which supports line highlighting and line numbering for code blocks.

python {1,3-4} showLineNumbers

def quicksort(arr):
    if len(arr) <= 1:
        return arr
    pivot = arr[len(arr) // 2]
    left = [x for x in arr if x < pivot]
    middle = [x for x in arr if x == pivot]
    right = [x for x in arr if x > pivot]
    return quicksort(left) + middle + quicksort(right)

If you wish to modify the styling, you can edit the prism.css file.

.code-highlight {
  @apply float-left min-w-full;
.code-line {
  @apply -mx-4 block border-l-4 border-opacity-0 pl-4 pr-4;
.code-line.inserted {
  @apply bg-green-500 bg-opacity-20;
.code-line.deleted {
  @apply bg-red-500 bg-opacity-20;
.highlight-line {
  @apply -mx-4 border-l-4 border-primary-500 bg-gray-700 bg-opacity-50;
.line-number::before {
  @apply -ml-2 mr-4 inline-block w-4 text-right text-gray-400;
  content: attr(line);

References system

Standard citation (Nash, 1950)

In-text citations e.g. Nash (1951)

Multiple citations (see Nash, 1950, 1951, p. 50)


Nash, J. (1950). Equilibrium points in n-person games. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 36(1), 48–49.
Nash, J. (1951). Non-cooperative games. Annals of Mathematics, 286–295.

LaTeX Render

Mathematical expressions are parsed by remark-math and rehype-katex.1

yi=xiβ+uiy_i = \mathbf{x}'_i \beta + u_i


  1. The definition above is linear.
  2. E(UX)=0E(\mathbf{U}|\mathbf{X}) = 0 (conditional independence)
  3. rank(X\mathbf{X}) = kk (full rank)
  4. Var(UX)=σ2InVar(\mathbf{U}|\mathbf{X}) = \sigma^2 I_n (homoscedasticity)

Find a method to minimize the sum of squared errors for β\beta:

Q=i=1nui2=i=1n(yixiβ)2=(YXβ)(YXβ)Q = \sum_{i=1}^{n}{u_i^2} = \sum_{i=1}^{n}{(y_i - \mathbf{x}'_i\beta)^2} = (Y-X\beta)'(Y-X\beta)

Notice that QQ is a 1×11 \times 1 scalar with symmetry bAbb=2Ab\frac{\partial b'Ab}{\partial b} = 2Ab.

Take the matrix derivative w.r.t β\beta:

minQ=minβYY2βXY+βXXβ=minβ2βXY+βXXβ[FOC]   0=2XY+2XXβ^β^=(XX)1XY=(nxixi)1nxiyi\begin{aligned} \min Q & = \min_{\beta} \mathbf{Y}'\mathbf{Y} - 2\beta'\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{Y} + \beta'\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X}\beta \\ & = \min_{\beta} - 2\beta'\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{Y} + \beta'\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X}\beta \\ \text{[FOC]}~~~0 & = - 2\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{Y} + 2\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X}\hat{\beta} \\ \hat{\beta} & = (\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{X})^{-1}\mathbf{X}'\mathbf{Y} \\ & = (\sum^{n} \mathbf{x}_i \mathbf{x}'_i)^{-1} \sum^{n} \mathbf{x}_i y_i \end{aligned}

Image Inclusion

Use Markdown syntax to include images, or directly utilize the Image component in Next.js.

<Image alt="ocean" src="/static/images/ocean.jpg" width={256} height={128} />


  1. For a complete list of supported TeX functions, please refer to the [KaTeX documentation].(